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The green加速器下载 launched this Initiative to promote accessibility and opportunity for people with disabilities within the hospitality industry. Materials and services are also designed to assist lodging and food service employers recruit, hire, and retain qualified workers with disabilities.
The Network, including ten regional ADA Centers located throughout the United States, is funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). To obtain materials in print or accessible formats, request training, or learn more about the Initiative, visit the green加速器下载 to locate your regional ADA Center.
Accessible Meetings, Events and Conferences Guide will help you plan successful, inclusive conferences and events!
Our film, at your service, offers best practices, tips, and recommendations to engage, connect, and interact with customers with disabilities.
Materials designed to facilitate a brief presentation to customer service staff.
Practical solutions that allow you welcome a whole new group of customers to purchase your products and services.
The latest news to help keep you up to date on disability related developments, resources, and other emerging issues.